Supchannel CRM
for Targeted Remarkeing

The only E-Commerce CRM you need for Supchannel marketing, sales and supports by tracking and segmenting customers based on conversations, support history, messengers and website activities

A powerful CRM for Supchannel Contacts of website, email, and social

Customers are active in different channels and have their preferred ways for communications. To maximize conversion and sales, you need to manage Supchannel customer relationship by building contacts with segmentations from Website, Email, Facebook Messenger, LINE and WhatsApp etc.
  • Email Contacts
  • Facebook Messenger Subscribers
  • LINE Subscribers
  • WhatsApp Contacts
  • Phone Contacts

Build contacts of Facebook, LINE and Email that connect to their website profiles

Instead of collecting contacts separately for each channel, allows you to acquire website visitors into subscribers of Facebook Messenger, LINE and Email. This unique subscription will connect the visitor profile with the contact and be able to record and track every interactions on your website.
  • Website pop ups for Social Subscriptions
  • AutoEmail subscriptions on Web Live Chat
  • Manual Email subscription on inbox profile

Tag customers on each conversation for better supports

Customer support and sales team are able to create custom tags for every conversation with your subscribers who have become Email, Facebook Messenger, LINE or WhatsApp contacts so you can remark for their needs, preferences, membership status for more personalized services
  • Interested product types
  • First time purchase or repeat buyer
  • Remark birthday or VIP status
  • Identify as complaint customers for careful handling

Auto tag & segment by tracking contacts’ web browsing behaviors & triggers

As connect visitor profiles to your contacts, you can go beyond tagging customers only by chatbot buttons. Now you can create triggers and custom tags on your targeted page url, and automatically tag contacts based on what and how they browse on your website, like how long and how many times your contact visit the pages
  • Target single or multiple URL
  • URL exact match or contain
  • trigger by session time and number of visits
  • Multiple custom tags

Advanced filtering for more targeted messages

Ominchat CRM offer advanced filtering that allows you to broadcast targeting messages to contacts in their preferred messaging channels. In addition to applying tags and subscription status, you can also filter contacts who are more likely to receive and respond to your messages by knowing their join time, last interaction time, whether they have connected to website.
  • Exact match, contain, and exclude tags
  • Last interaction time for LINE & Facebook contacts
  • Subscription status
  • Time period of subscription
  • Connection to website visitor profile

Export targeted lists of Email, Facebook, LINE for advanced remarketing

With a powerful Supchannel CRM, you can further utilize the segmented contact lists for more remarketing activities like sending emails, set up remarketing ads for Facebook, LINE or even Google Ads.
  • Export filtered Facebook PSID
  • Export filtered Email contact list
  • Export filtered LINE contacts with LINE User ID
  • Export filtered WhatsApp contact lists with phone numbers

Get Started for Free

Start your 14-day Free Trial, and enjoy the features and tools to help your business grow!